8 Tips That Will Save Your Teeth From Coffee Stains

Updated on Nov. 24, 2020

Protect your teeth from permanent discoloration without giving up your caffeine addiction.

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Male hand hold mug of espresso coffee on wood table.
Pushish Images/Shutterstock

Why does coffee stain teeth?

Enamel, the hard outer coating that protects the other layers of your teeth, is covered in microscopic gaps. When food and drink particles get stuck in those gaps, it forms an extrinsic stain, which just means the outer layer of your tooth is discolored. But the longer the particles stay in the gaps, they start to affect other layers of the tooth. “The more you drink [coffee] and don’t do anything to remove it, the stain goes deeper and deeper,” says Denise Estafan, an associate professor at the New York University College of Dentistry. This is called an intrinsic stain, and it’s a lot harder to clean. Here are ways you didn’t even realize you’re staining your teeth.

man brushing teeth with electric toothbrush

Brushing: Your first plan of attack

The primary cause of a tooth stain is plaque accumulation, so brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste and seeing your dentist for regular cleanings are the best ways to prevent ugly coffee stains. By the way: Are you making these tooth-brushing mistakes?

woman flossing teeth

Don’t forget to floss. Seriously.

Let’s be honest: It’s hard to floss as regularly as dentists want you to. But setting aside a few minutes to floss every day can make a big impact on your oral health. It gets rid of plaque generally, and plaque attracts stains. Brushing alone doesn’t remove all the bacteria in your mouth. Whatever’s left over could harden and turn into tartar, which can cause infections.

glass of iced coffee with milk with straw
iStock/Eva Katalin Kondoros

Use a straw

Less liquid touches your teeth when you drink it through a straw. And that means the coffee has less opportunity to stain your teeth. Using a straw comes more naturally to iced coffee drinkers, but it works for hot coffee too.

measuring spoon full of baking soda
iStock/Peter Burnett

Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Make your own whitening paste by mixing a small amount of baking soda with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. The paste should be pretty runny. If it’s too gritty, that means there’s too much baking soda, and you could scrub off your enamel. In general, though, baking powder is less abrasive than baking-powder toothpaste which contains additives. Here’s how you can whiten your teeth with natural ingredients at home.

pitcher of milk pouring into glass of iced coffee

Add milk

Estafan says that a splash of milk can make a real difference for your teeth. A study published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene found that casein, the main protein in milk, can latch onto tannins in tea (bitter-tasting particles that leave residue on teeth) and prevent staining. Coffee also has small amounts of tannins, so coffee drinkers can reap these dairy benefits too. For the best results, use animal milk; soy milk won’t do the job.

person at laptop computer with coffee and glass of water

Sip water between cups of coffee

A swig of water can wash away staining liquids quickly before they start to set into your teeth. Plus, drinking enough water is a great way to help you stay hydrated throughout the day.

woman on street with to-go coffee, talking on cell phone

Drink it quickly

Let’s say you and your coworker both grab cups of coffee when you get into the office. You drink your whole cup in five minutes, but your coworker takes his time and finishes the same amount of coffee in two hours. Lucky for you, Estafan says that your teeth will be the less-stained ones. Since your coworker exposed his teeth to the coffee for a longer period of time, his will be more stained.

pack of gum

Chew sugar-free gum

Conquer coffee breath and clean your teeth at the same time. Chewing gum increases the amount of saliva in your mouth, and saliva washes away acids and plaque from your teeth. According to the American Dental Association, chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after eating can help prevent tooth decay. Check out these other benefits of chewing gum.

Reader's Digest
Originally Published in Reader's Digest