Kimberly Holland

Kimberly Holland

Kimberly Holland


Kimberly Holland is a lifestyle writer and editor based in Birmingham, Alabama. When not organizing her books by color, Holland enjoys toying with new kitchen gadgets and feeding her friends all her cooking experiments.


10 Times You Shouldn’t Use Antibacterial Wipes

Antibacterial wipes are a time-crunched cleaner's best friend—but not when it comes to these cleaning jobs.

14 Things You Probably Never Knew About Grocery Store Produce

If the produce aisle's rainbow of colors seems a little less dazzling after you read these surprising insights, just remember: The occurrence is generally rare.

12 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Stop Vaping

Evidence is stacking up that vaping, once thought to be less harmful than smoking cigarettes, causes lung damage—and can be deadly. It's also addictive, making it hard for anyone who has started to now stop. Just know that the minute you kick the habit, your body will feel the difference, and the benefits start almost immediately.