Julia Malacoff

Julia Malacoff


Julia Malacoff is an editor and writer based in Madrid, Spain. She most recently served as Senior Fashion Editor at Shape Magazine in New York City, and has worked at various other titles including Redbook and MORE. Right now, she writes health, fitness, fashion, celebrity and lifestyle content.


What Range of Motion Is—and How to Increase It

Do you groan or feel achy when you reach for something or sit down? Your range of motion may be in decline. Here's how to fix it.

13 Things Doctors Want You to Know About The Keto Diet

The keto diet is popular, but to do it right takes planning. Here's what you need to know to reap all the rewards and avoid the risks.

15 Supermarket Foods That Legitimately Last for Years

Some grocery items can last nearly forever if they're stored properly. Follow these tricks to stop wasting food—and money.