Outrageous Hospital Lingo That Doctors and Nurses Use Behind Your Back

Updated on Feb. 24, 2021

Thankfully, this lingo isn't used regularly in health-care settings, but an unflattering comment may occasionally slip out during a particularly frustrating situation. Decipher some of the more shocking slang here.

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Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock

Frequent flier

A repeat customer to the ER, often a patient with chronic medical problems who can’t afford to go anywhere else. Don’t miss these 50 things hospitals aren’t telling you.

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock

Weekend syndrome

When doctors covering for a colleague on the weekend won’t make important decisions, particularly end-of-life ones.

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock

Code brown

A bed full of excrement. “Got a Code Brown in 214.” Here’s what nurses secretly think about you (but won’t say to your face).

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock


To go downhill quickly or die. “The patient in 3 crumped last night.”

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock


Short for “get out of my emergency room” (aka a patient you dread). Don’t miss these other secrets ER doctors won’t tell you.

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock

Acute lead poisoning

Gunshot wound

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Pain in the a$$

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock


Funny-looking kid

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock


Felt awful but I’m all right now syndrome

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Poor miserable soul

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Patient who “did not keep appointment.” Think that’s frustrating for health care professionals? Check out the most annoying things patients do, according to doctors.

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock


Divorced & Desperate (middle-age female who visits doctor weekly for male attention)

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock


Had it before, got it again.

Emma Kapotes/Rd.com, iStock


Hypertensive obese noncompliant diabetic adult

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